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Pride of Barbados, Peacock Flower or Red Bird of Paradise

Pride of Barbados, Peacock Flower or Red Bird of Paradise

Regular price $20.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Native Region/Environment: Widespread cultivation has made its true origins questionable as to either the West Indies or tropical Americas

Sun/Light: Full sun. The hottest, sunniest location should be fine.

Temperature: Indoor houseplant in a warm, sunny location; USDA Hardiness Zones 8b-12

Water: Infrequent but deep watering is recommended, drought tolerant once established.  If dormant, soil should be very free draining.

Soil: Adaptable most soil types, except boggy. The richer the soil the better the flower growth.

Growth Pattern: In Zone 8 it is an annual; in Zone 9 a die back perennial and in Zones 10 and above it is an evergreen shrub.  A versatile plant that can grow to a small tree, with pruning, or large bush, without shaping, in frost free regions or it can be pruned to small bush or even a hedge.

Mature Size: May be grown as a stunning potted plant or direct sown as an annual in cooler climates with a maximum height of 2-4'; or in the warmer regions, an unpruned perennial can grow 15' x 15', after a few years.

Attributes: Absolutely stunning flowers on this ever blooming bush provided warm weather persists. The flowers are ball-shaped, typically fire engine red, that then open to brilliant yellow and vibrant oranges which fade back into bright red hues.  The color transformation is reminiscent of a slow motion flame, especially since the flowers number around 40 and open progressively up an organized spike-like racemes.  Flowering is only from new growth so periodic pruning throughout the season is advised.

'Pulcher', in the name, is Latin for 'beauty'.

Attractor: Several butterfly species including Sulfurs and Swallowtails.

Pot: 1/2 gallon rooting bag

Most commonly known as the Red Bird of Paradise, Peacock Flower or the Pride of Barbados, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, is an absolute must-have in the gorgeous flower department.  

Ideal specimen plant for landscaping, fence lines, borders and container gardening especially since it is an ever bloomer during warm months.  It is moderately drought tolerant, takes pruning nicely and will make you truly the neighborhood envy. Attracts bees and likes full sun.

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