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Ruby Rubber Tree

Ruby Rubber Tree

Regular price $44.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Ficus elastica 'Ruby'; Ficus elastica tineke 'Ruby'

Native Region/Environment: Native to China, Nepal and India

Sun/Light: Ideally direct morning light then bright, indirect light.  Stronger light equates to stronger leaf coloring, but too much hot, direct light may scorch the leaves. It does not tolerate low light conditions well.

Temperature: Indoor house plant in warm with part sun and temperatures of 65-85 degrees. Outdoors in USDA Zones 10-12, 

The lower the temperature the higher the light requirements and conversely the hotter the temperature the more shade is preferred.

Avoid drafts, as it will drop leaves especially if it is a cold draft. 

Water: Avoid overwatering.  Water left on the leaves may result in leaf stains.  Allow the top 2 inches to dry between watering,

Soil: Fertile and fast draining.

Growth Pattern: Unrestricted it will grow in tree form.  Pruning will create a bushy or hedge shape and often it is planted several stems dense to create a fuller feel, especially as an indoor plant.

Mature Size: In tree form in the wild it may grow 80' high, but outside its native range its size will be greatly reduced to 15' maximum and as a house plant likely 6' to 8' at most.

Attributes: Mottled, splashed variegated leaves in greens, creams, pinks and off-red's is sure to brighten the mood in any room.

Pot: 1 gallon tree rooting bag

The scientific name is Ficus elastica, and many people call it Ficus tineke or rubber tree too. The cultivar "Ruby" is often confused with cultivar "Variegated"-they are different.
There are many exciting cultivars becoming popular again. 

The milky sap that can be an irritant and is mildly toxic if ingested..

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