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Hoya david cummungii

Hoya david cummungii

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Hoya david cummungii

Native Region/Environment: Philippines

Sun/Light: Bright indirect light or mild direct morning light.

Temperature:  Ideal temperatures are between 65 and 80F.

Water:  Allow top of soil to barely feel dry to the touch.  This hoya can benefit from more frequent (well draining) waterings or regular misting's.

Soil:  Porous, well draining fertile soil.

Growth Pattern:  Trailing evergreen perennial vine.  Semi-succulent narrow elliptical leaves with a thin dark exterior margin.

Mature Size:  Able to grow several feet high on a trellis and will grow well cascading from a pot or hanging basket. Occasional pruning will result in a fuller plant.

Attributes: Flowers in the brilliant colors of pink bubble gum to majestic purple with yellow coronas born in classic spherical shape sharing a rich butterscotch aroma.  Once the initial bloom, there is a great chance that many, many more will follow.

Attractor:  Flowers are laden with abundant sweet butterscotch nectar.

Pot:  4"

Please note that hoyas are notoriously challenging to identify.  We identified each plant with care to the best of our knowledge and research, as well as based off the representations from our suppliers.  Refunds or replacements are not offered on hoya purchases.

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