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Chestnut vine, Giant Grape Ivy or Lizard Plant

Chestnut vine, Giant Grape Ivy or Lizard Plant

Regular price $28.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Tetrastigma voineiranum

Native Region/Environment: Tropical and subtropical forests and rainforests, possibly originating from Laos. 

Sun/Light: Bright indirect light.  The leaves are sensitive to direct light and can easily scorch.

Temperature: USDA Hardiness to Zone 10, with temperature not below 45 degrees or the leaves will blacken and drop.  Due to the thickness of mature canes the plant may survive light frost damage in a dormant phase.  Makes an superb houseplant as a climbing vine or a cascading vine from hanging baskets.

Water: The plant responds best to a thoroughly moistened soil that is then allowed to become dry to the touch. Err to the side of dryness than soggy soils.

Soil: Free draining and nutrient rich are optimal.  Unlike many other plants, this plant performs unusually better with consistent mild fertilizers or rich organic soils than wild fluctuations.

Growth Pattern: Under ideal conditions this vine may grow 12" per month.  The vine is a very vigorous grower, and quickly thickens into substantial canes.  It is often used to cover walls or fences in semi shady conditions.  Its tendrils, used for climbing, may themselves grow in excess of 8".

Attributes: This is a big plant, with big leaves and a big growth habit: perfect to train or trellis on a wall or around a room.  The white flowers, are inconsequential to the foliage.

Pot: 5"

Giant Grape Ivy or Chestnut vine, Tetrastigma voinieranum, ia a native of Laotian jungles. Big, leaves induce an immediate tropical feel.  Thick canes, rapid growth and incredibly strong clinging tendrils permit this to be a great climber and equally a trainable hanging basket candidate. 

While not rare per se, it is surprisingly not as common as would be expected given its immediate tropical feel and impressive growth habits.  Very unknown and supreme companion to monstera due to unique leaf shape and size.

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