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Cebu Blue Pothos

Cebu Blue Pothos

Regular price $19.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue'

Native Region/Environment: Cebu Island, Philippines.

Sun/Light: Bright, indirect light.  Direct morning sun is good as well.

Temperature: As an indoor plant maintain temperatures above 55 degrees and avoid drafts, especially cool drafts.  Outdoors: USDA Zones 10b-12.

Water: Moist, but not wet. Err to the side of dry as opposed to overwatering.

Soil: Organically rich, porous soil composition.

Growth Pattern: A trailing climber that easily forms a dense growth habit  characterized by thin, arrow shaped leaves of a blue-green color with a metallic-silver finish.  The leaves will develop fenestrations upon maturity.  Immature leaves are long, narrow and thin whereas mature leaves become rather stout and highly fenestrated.

Mature Size: As a hanging or draping plant the vines will reach well over 12'; and as a desktop or counter top creeper the vines will typically only grow 5'-6'.  Whereas as a climber it's natural habit, each vine can exceed 15'.

Attributes: Highly sought after due to its unusual silvery appearance; contrast between juvenile and mature leaf shapes and that it can be successfully planted with or near almost any other plant, vine or not, to create a perfect optical balance.

Given the extreme differences in young and old leaf appearances it is recommended to stagger pruning points so that the fullness of the plant reflects the two leaf types in a mottled, staggered fashion.

Pot: 3.5" or 4"

Cebu Blue pothos, epipremnum pinnatum, is a dragon's tail pothos rather than an Epipremnum aureum.  Cebu Blue was once very rare but has grown much in popularity.  

All species of Epipremnum are known as good house companions as they filter harmful VOC's, like formaldehyde, benzene and others, from the air.

This plant may have a degree of toxicity that may cause illness or discomfort if ingested.  It is grown and sold for Ornamental purposes and not intended as a food nor fodder.  Additionally, contact with the sap of this plant may cause irritation or discomfort.

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