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Cacao tree or Chocolate Bean tree

Cacao tree or Chocolate Bean tree

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Botanical Name: Theobroma cacao

Native Region/Environment: Native of the Amazon basin, recent research shows a long rich history of over 5000 years of South and Central America cultivation.  In native tongues it was called KaKaw, hence the contemporary name, "cacao".

Sun/Light: Diffuse, filtered light is preferred and best until established and then part sun is ideal.  Indoor, artificial light, especially grow lights, is equally suitable.

Temperature: USDA Zone 10-12, Possibly 9b with over winter protection: to remain above 50 degrees and frost free.

Water: Consistently moist but will tolerate brief periods of drier soil.

Soil: Organically rich, moist, but not soggy soils

Growth Pattern: Small evergreen tree, typically an understory tree in warm, humid environments.  Cauliflory is where the fruit pods are produced directly on the trunk and older branches.  Interestingly, the cacao flower is pollinated by tiny flies, and not by traditional pollinators.

Mature Size: Remaining relatively small at 20-30' at maturity in the wild, cultivated trees can easily be pruned, especially since flowering and pod production is on the older wood, and not on new growth.

Attributes: Small flowers, 1/4-1/2" in diameter appear on trunks and older branches. The tree produces pods, each containing 20-60 beans that contain an impressive, 40-50%, fat content called cacao butter-the main ingredient of chocolate delicacies.  The beans are encased in a sweet white pulp that is also used to make jams, juices, smoothies and even their own distilled alcohol products.  The trees become fruit bearing around the 4th year, producing perhaps thousands of flowers yet only 20 pods, without artificial pollination.  About 1,200 beans, or 40 pods are required to produce 2 pounds cacao paste.

Attractor: A species within the No-See-Um's, biting midge, Forcipomyia family is responsible for pollination.  Artificial pollination has proven to be successful too.

Pot: 1/2 gallon bag

Theobroma cacao, means 'food of the gods. and is the source of chocolate, cacao butter, and chocolate liquor.  While native to the Amazon rainforests, its cultivation spread to the Pacific coast of South America, to the Caribbean coast up through Central America into the Southern United States and then to most every warm, humid environment on the globe.   Recently, the largest agricultural producing area was the Ivory Coast of west Africa.

Recent adjustments in the global climate has severely impacted traditional growing regions and harvests negatively resulting in extreme price jumps, 300% in the last year alone, at the time of this writing.  The majority of global production is from millions of small plot farmers, so plan ahead, and get several trees to make your own luscious chocolate at home. It's actually a pretty easy process.

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