Collection: Vines

Vines are trailing plants, that typically fall into one of two categories: lianas or runners. 

Some may take on the both growing habits.  For example, poison ivy, grows in a bushy shrub habit until it encounters an obstacle to climb, where the plant will adapt and change from branching to growing as a vine. 

Lianas are Climbing or Twining vines-terrestrially rooted plant that using existing structures, poles, trellises, shrubs, hedges, trees or walls to seek greater sunlight exposure.  Given that their aim is to get as high as possible, and as fast as possible, these vines can be very aggressive growers.

Runner vines are Crawlers or Creepers-running vines may climb for certain but their primary growth pattern will be more linear across the topsoil where they in rapidly spreading fashion.  The vines will anchor themselves along the by growing roots at leaf nodes in contact with the ground, so in case of damage or separation they have established many more individual plants.