Collection: Gingers and Heliconia's

Gingers are in the Zingiberaceae plant family.  Gingers are tropical perennial evergreen distinguished by their horizontal creeping rhizomes that are highly aromatic and often used as edible or medicinal herbs as well as for their intensely colorful flowers and lush foliage.  There are over 1600 recognized ginger species.

Heliconia are in the family Heliconiaceae and are also distributed across the tropical regions as perennial evergreens with horizontal creeping rhizome root systems.  There are about 200 recognized Heliconia species.  Heliconia are best known for their brilliantly colored and long lasting flowering bracts and large, lush foliage.

Both gingers and heliconia are highly prized for their intense ornamental value of both flower and foliage in arrangements which outlast most any other cut flower, sometimes up to several months.  With a little planning, they are very capable to survive in temperate regions well outside their native tropical zones, especially with a little over winter protection, in a stored container or even in ground.