Collection: Hoya

Hoya is a genus of around 700 species native to a large region stretching from India eastward to most of all Southeast Asian countries and south to include regions of Australia.

Evergreen perennial lianas, or vines, that predominately grow as climbers but there are also terrestrial creepers.  Most are epiphytic, growing up trees using adventitious roots and twining for support.  The leaves are typically succulent, normally simple and in an opposing arrangement and come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and textures.  Many Hoya species have silvery flecked patterns on the leaves which are quite attractive.

The Hoya is often sought for their demonstrative and long lasting flowers which rebloom from the same peduncles, also called spurs.  The flowers are born on a corona structure creating a half sphere to full ball shaped sphere composted of many individual flowers.  Most commonly Hoya flowers are stare shaped, with five petals waxy and thick in appearance.  The flowers are very long lasting, produce abundant nectar and most are intensely fragrant.  The variety of colors spans from whites to near black, and virtually every single color and color combination imaginable in between.

Hoya are also known as Porcelain flower, Wax plant, Wax flower and Wax vine.